| '45 - Psychobilly Retropocalypse
Regular price: $8.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
was a mutant with a gift for the guitar and an eye for the ladies...
SHE was a hotrod-racing bombshell on the lookout for love... IT crawled
from the wastes of Nashville crater, seeking human victims... THEY were
trapped in a world they never made!
'45 is a world where WWII was fought with atomic
bombs on all sides '45 is a world where the B-movies are real '45 is a
world where Rock N' Roll mutants do battle with giant ants '45 is a
Psychobilly Retropocalypse
All the cool cats dig '45 daddy-o, are you hip to the scene?
'45 is so cool, it's radioactive, man!
'45 is powered by Postmortem Studio's Xpress system and features cust...
 | 100 Points Four Square
Regular price: $4.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
100 Points Four Square is a simple, casual card game in the 100 Points line of games that uses 100 Points cards.
Want a unique card game of skill and luck? Then try...
100 Points Four Square
(2nd Edition)
100 Points Four Square begins with
four stacks of cards in a square. On a player's turn, they draw a card
and place it on top of one of the four stacks. If the top 4 cards of the
stacks equals 100 points, then the player takes all the cards in the
stack they just added to, and adds the cards to their Score pile. When
the last card is drawn, the game is over, and the player with most
points in their Score pile wins the game.
For 2 or more players. Simple. Casual. Fun. 100 Points Four Squ... |
 | Adversaries: The Triad (BASH)
Regular price: $0.75
Bundle price: $0.00 |
the criminal underworld, The Triad are known as a specialists in
acquiring artifacts of a mystical nature for those willing to pay
theright price. They've tangled with various super heroes (and some
villains) over the years."
Adversaries: The Triad is the first in a series of villains for use
with BASH. This group specializes in stealing occult artifacts for the
highest bidder, even those used by mystical heroes.
The book features information and stats on all 3 members of The
Triad, as well as adventure seeds (one of which includes a fully statted
NPC hero your players can interact with), and paper standees.
Two versions are included: A high resolution version for reading, and a low resolution version for printing.
Requires the BASH Ultimate... |
 | Age of Lords: Campaign Setting Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Regular price: $8.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
from a conflict eons old, some say the people of Braugh never had a
chance. What was intended to be a celestial prison for two warring Gods
has become home to a numerous and diverse populace. From the ashes of a
great war, the people of Thallorand have rebuild their cities, culture
and industry with great respect to their past and an eye on their
future. The Age of Lords Campaign Setting has everything a Game Master
could want to run a campaign on the world of Braugh, or to simply expand
their own campaign. With new monsters, cultural background on key
locations past and present, new game mechanics to bring together your
players at any level, information and history on some of the oldest
secrets Thallorand has to offer, the Age of Lords has what you need and
more. Pick up a copy an... |
 | Ancient Temple
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Ancient Temple
DramaScape Brief Encounters Volume 03
Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.
A temple stands taller than the treetops of the jungle. Despite
having fallen into disuse, the temple remains intact, although nature’s
overgrowth of vines and moss tells the tale of how long it has been
since the temple was frequently visited.
The temple is constructed of five major stone slabs built on top of
each other. The first three base slabs are the largest and widest, and a
large stone staircase leads to the fourth center slab. Built in the
middle of the center slab is the fifth slab where the altar stands with a
small staircase leading up. No on... |
 | Angels - Essentials
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Everything you need to get a taste of Angels is here... for free.
Angels - Essentials is a free, quick look at the simple game
of the unseen forces wring for human souls, Angels. It includes all the
essential Print2Play pages from the core rulebook with a brief
introduction to the game and Setting as a whole.
A brief description of the world of Angels
Core Rules At-a-Glance
Character Records
A list of common Abilities
Story Outline Records
Player Point Records
If you like this, then try the full game of Angels - the Game of Divine Stories.
... |
 | Angels - the Game of Divine Stories
Regular price: $4.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
is a God. There are Angels. There is a Devil. There are Demons. There
is a war over the souls of humanity. This is our world. The world that
most people do not see until they pass on and find out where their souls
spend eternity. It is a world of unseen forces, miraculous feats, and
the touch of the divine and the infernal. This is the world of Angels.
Angels - the Game of Divine Stories is a game in which players create
fictional Angelic characters that star in stories about the war over
human souls. Everything you need to play can be found in the core
rulebook, including rules, a fully fleshed-out Setting, and character
records to keep track of everything during play.
Warning: this game is about God, Jesus, the devil, angels, Heaven, H...
 | Angels - the Story of Greene's Store
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
a small town, the Fallen Angel Mitz has run things. A few years ago,
the Heavenly Angel Roberta came to town to help the local store owners,
the Greenes. Now, Mitz is making his move to get Roberta, the Greenes,
and their small general store out of his town. Roberta needs help.
Welcome to Greene's Store, a story to play with 1 to 5 friends
using Angels – the Game of Divine Stories. This book contains
everything you need (except rules, friends, and dice) to tell the story
of Roberta's desire to save the Greenes and their store from Mitz and
his designs. Included in this book are:
Story Outline – A full Story Outline for the Story Referee to use to tell the story.
Supporting Cast Characters – a full roster of Suppor... |
 | Antipaladins
Regular price: $3.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM'S RESOURCE supplement by Creighton Broadhurst and Martin Tideswell
Champion of evil and dark nemesis of the paladin, the antipaladin
stands as a bulwark against the forces of light and weal. Worshipping
corrupt gods or foul demons, antipaladins work to spread darkness and
chaos throughout the world. Antipaladins often stand at the centre of
the blackest, vilest plots besetting the world. Whether as the leader of
a foul horde, a lone harbinger of doom or the strong arm of a vile,
depraved cult, the antipaladin brings fear, death and destruction
wherever he goes.
Antipaladins presents seven scions of evil:
Aelire Maiaral (CE female half-elf antipaladin 4)
Petrok Uren (CE male human antipaladin 6)
Steren Wearne (CE female half-elf ant... |
 | Barroom Brawls
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible GM’s Resource by Creighton Broadhurst
Barroom brawls are one of the quintessential events that occur in
taverns, inns and pubs of a certain quality. Alcohol mixed liberally
with folk used to solving problems with violence is an explosive
combination. The great thing about barroom brawls, though, is that
although people get hurt, it’s rare that anyone dies. This means the
players can let their hair down and try some crazy stuff they’d never
try in a “proper” battle. And yet, brawls feature in comparatively few
adventures these days. Complicated to run, requiring an understanding of
little-used rules such as nonlethal damage and improvised weapons, they
can be a GM’s worst nightmare! Barroom Br... |
 | BP-CS0 Secret of the Pit Pathfinder
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
anticipation for the upcoming Age of Lords Campaign Setting and Age of
Lords Expedition Guide, Blackbyrne Publishing is releasing Secret of the
Pit as a FREE primer for an adventure set in our world of Thallorand.
Secret of the Pit not only provides a free adventure, with our trademark
1" battlemaps, it gives both the GM and the player a glimpse into the
upcoming Age of Lords setting. For the GM, there is a Thallorand based
primer for bringing new 1st level players together with the cliché
standbys. For players, there is a two level preview for the new class
Blade Conjuror, which will be detailed exclusively in the Expedition
(Looking for the 4E version? Go here)
... |
 | Call to Arms: Archer's Arsenal
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Call to Arms: Archer's Arsenal
A true archer knows of the rich heritage
of the tools and weapons in which he employs.Throughout each culture’s
history, the development of the bow and arrow as a weapon ofwar has
engaged the ingenuity of each race. The materials for making these
weapons havebeen experimented with, and as a result many different
designs have developed, each in accordance to the specific purpose to
which the weapon was built. Presented in the following product are a
selection of new weapons, both magical and mundane, and items designed
toenhance the arsenal of any archer.
12 new bows
5 new crossbows
 | CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
They have been called by many names. Scions ofthe inferno, masters of
flame, maniacs and firestormfanatics, they are all descriptions
following in thecharred wake of a pyromancer. Pyromancers lookwithin
themselves for arcane prowess and drawforth the mighty ability to bend
the power of fire totheir will, be it for good or evil.Empowered, and
sometimes consumed, by theirinnate powers, these arcane-touched spell
castersendlessly indulge in and refine their dangerousabilities,
gradually learning how to harness theirskills and call forth ever
greater power. Somepyromancers seek to control their abilities
throughdiscipline and study, others give in to their innatemagic,
letting its wild nature drive their lives into afanaticism, often, with
explosive results.
... |
 | Clockwork and Chivalry 2nd Edition Core Rulebook
Regular price: $24.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Swords and flintlocks, alchemy and clockwork, fanatics and freedom-fighters... and the occasional ghoul!
1645: England has descended into civil war. Prince Rupert and his
alchemist-cavaliers fight on behalf of their exiled king against the
clockwork war machines of Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army.
Between them, a host of political and religious factions struggle for
Clockwork & Chivalry returns in a standalone 2nd edition
featuring the new Renaissance rules, a fast, grim, heroic D100 system
geared up to the world of black-powder weapons, political machinations
and fanatical righteousness:
* Brutal combat in the age of black powder weapons
* Extensive rules for alchemy, witchcraft and clockwork
* Rich character creation options |
 | Coins of the Realm: Gold
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Fat Goblin Games presents
Coins of the Realm: Gold
Fat Goblin Games presents, Coins of the Realm: Gold! A visual Game
Aid presenting a full page of a variety of gold coins with different
faces and numerical value! Print and Cut and use in your next game!
... |
 | Colonial Gothic: The Grimoire
Regular price: $5.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
World is Steeped in Magic.It is everywhere and courses through all
things.Some claim that Magic is fueled by Ether. Others claim it is a
Divine gift granted to those chosen by Providence. Still others claim
that Magic is not a gift, but a curse. And some claim that Magic is a
tool of the Devil, created to further his Infernal ends on earth.None of
these claims comes close to the Whole Truth.Magic is a Force of Nature,
whose Secrets all may uncover with Time and Wisdom. Yet Magic is also a
Danger to those unwilling to treat it with the Respect such a Force
deserves.Despite the Danger, some still dare to take up the Study of
Magic and to use its Power. Even in this Modern Age, new Discoveries are
made about the Workings of Magic. New Insights reveal Power many deemed
impossible. Those... |
 | Comicworld Germany
Regular price: $1.27
Bundle price: $0.00 |
See the world. Visit different countries. Meet foreign superheroes! Punch foreign bad guys until they explode!
Comicworld Germany is a short and quick introduction on how to use Federal Republic of Germany in superhero games.
This short guide contains:
introduction to culture and history of Germany
condensed history of the country and tips on how to use it in your games
a selection of interesting places for your adventures
6 new characters, from heroic speedster Zeitgeist to Eisengeist, ghost of a steampunk robot
tips on how to pretend to speak German.
All that on 24 pages, only for $1.99!
... |
 | Comicworld Ukraine
Regular price: $1.27
Bundle price: $0.00 |
See the world. Punch foreign bad guys until they explode.
Comicworld Ukraine is a short and quick introduction on how to use
the republic of Ukraine in superhero games.This short guide contains:
introduction to culture and history of Ukraine
condensed history of the country and tips on how to use it in your games
a selection of interesting places for your adventures
5 new characters, from the fighting Peremoha to the nefarious Rat Queen
short introduction to Slavic mythology
All that on 20 pages, only for $1.99
... |
 | Condition Tokens
Regular price: $1.95
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Fat Goblin Games presents Condition Tokens
Fat Goblin Games presents, Condition Tokens for your favorite roleplaying game!
Condition Tokens are stylized tokens
representing the various character conditions found in many roleplaying
games. These tokens are simple to use and work perfectly with miniature
combat. Each token is designed to be used on a 1inch grid battle map of
your choice, by placing the token under your miniature when inflicted by
a condition. The condition markers overlap into adjacement squares with
a decorative border and title of the condition. The markers do not
hinder adjacement miniatures and will simply cover the marker on that
particular square.
 | Dark Shadows of Yesterday: An Earthdawn Novel
Regular price: $9.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Jagaro was never a very good merchant. A failure in his homeland of
Barsaive, when he hears that the Golden Empire of Cathay opened its
doors to the West, he sets out on a quest for riches and glory and to
explore an ancient and exotic culture filled with opportunity.
But instead of opportunity he finds a land torn apart by war. Teaming
up with Su Shen the Daughter of Heaven and Bei the jade obsidiman, the
unlikely companions are soon swept up in a quest to uncover a terrible
threat greater than the civil war that grips the land.
As the danger mounts, Su shen and Bei discover that the fate of the
Empire may lie in the hands of a foreigner, one whose entire life has
been spent in one selfish pursuit after another. When Daylen is forced
to confront his own fears, he... |
 | Diabolical Traps - The Maintenance Mummy
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
in the shadow of Mount Terror lies the Tomb of Zuul-Tem. It has
remained undisturbed for a thousand years, haunted by the cures of the
ancient Necromancer who was supposedly laid to rest there. His
knowledge, his treasure, and his power are said to be there with him.
You and your group have planned an expedition there; an untouched crypt
for a millennium. It is said to be trapped with devices of such lethal
cunning that most men will die of fright. And it’s yours for the taking!
Yeah right.
It takes effort to make sure that all of the treasure stays put and
the legend of the crypt stays intact. Traps need to be reset, and that
is a huge undertaking. Even trying to do it by hand subjects the owner
to the trap inside. Thus, the Maintenance Mummy was created.
... |
 | Dyvil: First Edition (Jeff Grubb's 30-Minute Roleplaying Game)
Regular price: $1.25
Bundle price: $0.00 |
The War Between Heaven and Hell is Over. Heaven Won. Man, Are You Screwed!
Once upon a time, NUELOW Games' Steve Miller made the statement, "Any
talented game designer with an understanding of what makes an RPG work
can write a fully playable, stand-alone roleplaying game in under an
Veteran game designer and novelist Jeff Grubb (co-founder of the Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance fantasy worlds and designer for ArenaNet's MMO Guild Wars) decided to put Miller's notion to the test
At the end of the experiment emerged Dyvil: First Edition (Jeff Grubb's 30-Minute Roleplaying Game), proof positive that Miller isn't completely insane, and an illustration of the difference betw... |
 | Equipment Cards
Regular price: $1.27
Bundle price: $0.00 |
collection of one hundred unique items ready to print and cut out for
your heroes! Among them you will find a variety of armor, swords, axes,
daggers, and other miscellaneous weapons. If you are lucky, you may also
stumble upon a magic item... be it a mystical sigil, blasphemous book,
or something less obvious. From now on, newfound treasure doesn't have
to be just an entry on your character sheet!
For your comfort, we have included a form fillable version and a full pdf version, for clean cards.
... |
 | Faith & Demons: The Rising - Quick Start Guide
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
if the power vacuum created by Rome’s fall isn’t enough, the survivors
are fighting against multiple forces. Religious persecution has reared
its head with claims of heresy against those who are just worshiping as
they always have. Tribal conflicts threaten to tear asunder tenuous
allegiances. The land is suffering from the fall-out of it all making
nomadic life more difficult than typical. The undead armies, horrific
demons, and a host of once mythological creatures stalking the landscape
create tension from shore to shore. Someone needs to do something. And
the lords have decided your party counts as ‘someone.’
Your characters have it in them to be more than a survivor. Lead your
nomadic tribe’s defense against all sides to become a legendary w... |
 | Faith & Demons: The Rising Player's Guide
Regular price: $7.95
Bundle price: $0.00 |
if the power vacuum created by Rome’s fall isn’t enough, the survivors
are fighting against multiple forces. Religious persecution has reared
its head with claims of heresy against those who are just worshiping as
they always have. Tribal conflicts threaten to tear asunder tenuous
allegiances. The land is suffering from the fall-out of it all making
nomadic life more difficult than typical. The undead armies, horrific
demons, and a host of once mythological creatures stalking the landscape
create tension from shore to shore. Someone needs to do something. And
the lords have decided your party counts as ‘someone.’
Your characters have it in them to be more than a survivor. Lead your
nomadic tribe’s defense against all sides to become a legendary w... |
 | Figurines of Wondrous Power
Regular price: $2.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible Player's Resource by Creighton Broadhurst
Ever found (or thought about buying) a figurine of wondrous power
but didn't want to prep the required stat block, carry yet another
heavy book to the game or muddle through hoping for the best? Figurines
of Wondrous Power banishes these problems!
This PLAYER'S RESOURCE contains detailed write-ups of all nine
versions of this iconic wondrous item including full stat blocks for all
the animals they represent. Designed to easily fit into your
character's folder, each figurine of wondrous power entry contains all
the information you need to quickly and easily get the most out of these
iconic magic items.
Visit ragingswan.com to download sample figurines or to view the Contents page.
... |
 | Fistful of Fantasy: 01
Regular price: $0.69
Bundle price: $0.00 |
the author of the '100' series of Adventure Seeds books, a new, shorter
form source of inspiration for Games Masters. They might be adventures,
non-player-characters, monsters, places... all ready to be dropped into
your fantasy campaign, regardless of system.
In this booklet:
The Dragon's Head Inn: Augury to the masses and site of the Blue Moon Festival. A wild stopover for travelling adventurers.
The Blackberry Wilder: A different kind of dryad with a thirst for blood and the thorns to get it.
The Shrieking Tomb: Not every vampire can escape its grave to bring terror, but then again, maybe it doesn't need to.
Fimble Finesmoke: Halfing tobacconist, herbalist and fan of experimenting with the inhalation of substances.
Elesha the Exoti... |
 | G-Core DELUXE
Regular price: $3.50
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Welcome to G-Core Deluxe!
What is G-Core? G-Core is a simple set of rules for use in any
genre. Spawned and updated for the modern gamer, G-Core roots come from
the original MarvelTM Superheroes Role-Playing Game or more famously
known as FASERIP. This ISN'T the original FASERIP nor is it a product of
Marvel Comics, but it is 99% compatible with it.
DELUXE offers even MORE than G-Core!
You get:
LOADS of generics including animals and giant seahorses!
Newer core mechanics to make G-Core even MORE player friendly!
Best of all it's 71 pages of full color fun!
ALL sorts of bells and whistles!
Worried about real compatibility? We took a character from the old FASERIP game and c... |
 | Gaslight Calender Pack
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A calander pack for the year 1888 for use with the Gaslight Victorian Fantasy RPG. This book has no cover.
... |
 | Gaslight Map Pack
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A map pack for use with Gaslight Victorian Fantasy
... |
 | Gaslight OGL Character Sheet
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
This is the official character sheet for the GASLIGHT VICTORIAN FANTASY OGL RPG.
... |
 | Gaslight Victorian Fantasy (OGL Edition)
Regular price: $9.95
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Press, Inc presents Gaslight. A Victorian Fantasy where technology
meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans
co-exist with Vampires, where fantasy meets history. Beast Men,
Werewolves and Wildlings. A land of secret organizations and hidden
agendas. Welcome to a Victorian world of magic, non humans and
technology all trying to take their rightful place in society. Meet
Vampire Detectives, Beast Men Sheriffs, and Wildling Rogues. Non humans
in society exist from their counterparts in Victorian literature. An
interesting and unique complete OGL Role Playing Game.
In Gaslight you will find:• A history of Gaslight Earth• Four of the
major races that play a part on Gaslight Earth, each with their own set
of Talent Trees• Skills and Fe... |
 | Hell for Leather
Regular price: $4.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
On the world's bloodiest gameshow you must kill to survive...
Hell for Leather is a darkly gory game of pursuit and savage violence. In the Standard Setting, play as contestants on the world's bloodiest gameshow and struggle for gruesome survival! Or customise the game in-play with elegant, fast-paced, quick framing rules!
* No GM - All the players are in charge of the story * No prep - Like a board game, you set it up together * Customise! - Create a new setting (like Pulp Explorers, Ancient Rome or the French Wars of Religion) during play! See samples.
The game relies on a tower of six-sided dice which players build as the tension mounts. To overcome challeng... |
 | Hellbrood: Countdown to Invasion
Regular price: $14.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
(This product requires both Savage Worlds and the Super Powers Companion from Pinnacle Entertainment to play)
You've fought for justice and battled evil . . . but now you fight for the very survival of the Earth!
Introducing the launching point for the Hellbrood product line,
continuing next in the Hellbrood plot point campaign setting book.
Since superpowered beings first revealed themselves to the public in
the first half of the 20th century, the world has been mesmerized by the
dazzling array of powers. No place has been more famous for its
superhero community than New York. A veritable melting pot of colorfully
clad heroes and villains, the Big Apple is known the world over for
countless epic battles.
All that changed, however, when strange, ... |
 | Hellfrost Creature Guide: Bufomi
Regular price: $2.09
Bundle price: $0.00 |
citizens know of bufomi only through travelers' tales. Jokingly
referred to as "toadies," they are often portrayed as harmless, backward
simpletons practicing a bizarre toad-worshipping faith. But those who
dwell near the dank marshes the bufomi call home tell no such stories,
for they know how savage and cunning the toad-men can be when aroused.
Their culture is a violent one, where the strong devour the weak and
life is a constant struggle. This supplement delves beneath the
stereotypical exterior of bufomi society to reveal the true nature of
the toad-men race.
... |
 | Hope Prep School Freshman Handbook (ICONS)
Regular price: $4.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Preparatory School is a privately funded institution dedicated to
preparing tomorrow's metahumans for whatever paths might lie ahead. With
a tradition that stretches back over 60 years, a world-renowned
faculty, and affiliations with all of the best universities, HPS is the place to send your child to prepare him or her for life.
The HPS Freshman Handbook provides the background material and
character creation rules compatible with ICONS superpowered roleplaying
for Melior Via's line of Hope Prep Adventures, as well as plenty of
information and adventure hooks to run a campaign set within a metahuman
high school.
This PDF uses layers for ease of printing and is sized for compatibility with popular electronic reading devices.
Requires the ICONS f... |
 | Immortal Twilight: An Earthdawn Novel
Regular price: $9.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
had just been over a year since Daylen Jagaro faced down the forces of
darkness atop the blasted slopes of Mount Tihan. Journeying across
Cathay with his ferret companion Bik-Bik, he has since been cataloguing
the wondrous land in hopes of one day returning the information to the
Great Library of Throal back home.
But Daylen‘s days of adventure are not over. Meeting up once again
with Su Shen the Daugther of Heaven, daylen suddenly finds himself on a
rescue mission, delving deep into the hostile Land of the Gar to save
his old friend and comrade, Bei the jade obsidiman.
There they meet Chi-Len, a young and mysterious girl with golden eyes
who is being hunted by the Shadowed. Who is she, and what does the
sinister cult want with her? As the adventurers search for... |
 | Killshot: An Assassin's Journal
Regular price: $5.00
Bundle price: $0.00 |
STOP RIGHT THERE!! This book has already been included; you'll find
nothing new here. If you haven't purchase Killshot yet, then now's the
time to start.
Some of us just don't fit in with the rest of the world. Sure, we can
hold down a steady job, collect a paycheck, raise a family, and blend
in, but not without stirring up the shit. Trying to be something you're
not comes out eventually. Aggression, anger, drug abuse, whatever your
poison is. Some of us have demons. Some of us have issues. But some of
us - a select few - have a gift we can't deny. Someone has to do what
needs doing. Someone's gotta pull the trigger and someone's gotta die.
That's the job.
It's the gritty world of profession... |
 | Lady Bexington's Home for Wayward Zombies
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Lady Bexington's Home for Wayward Zombies
A cooperative, self-constructed boardgame of zombie herding in Victorian Society.
Can you recapture the flesh-hungry fiends, protect Old London Town
AND maintain a proper sense of Victorian decorum, all at the same time?
1-6 players.
It was a strange and beautiful event when, in the mid
eighteen-hundreds, the Earth passed through a strange and luminous
cloud. For several nights the atmosphere from pole to pole and east to
west shone like the Northern Lights with a strange, pinkish pallor to
the illuminations.
Scientists were at a loss, postulating that we were passing through
some band of particles or radiation though none of our Earth-bound
devices could tell us much about it. Photographic equipment... |
 | Lizardfolk of the Dragon Fang
Regular price: $3.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible TRIBES supplement by Marc Radle
Deep in the heart of a forbidding swamp, the lizardfolk of the Dragon
Fang beat the drums of war. Lead by Sesskarr the Great, a mighty and
charismatic lizard king with a tyrant's heart and a black dragon's
blood, the Dragon Fang is aggressively expanding beyond their
traditional tribal boundaries. Tribes of kobolds and troglodytes have
all fallen beneath Sesskarr's great, magical trident and now-even more
ominously-his reptilian gaze has shifted to the surrounding towns and
Lizardfolk of the Dragon Fang includes:
Four new feats
Four new spells
Three new magic items, including the mysterious Serpent Staff
Thirteen stat blocks ranging in CR from 1-11 detailing tribal members
Fu... |
 | Modern Floorplans: Cyber-Cafe
Regular price: $2.50
Bundle price: $0.00 |
taps the desk impatiently as he waits for his e-mail client to finish
logging in. He considers another cup of coffee to ward off the night
chill, but his nerves already have him on edge. ...His nerves, and the
people who ransacked his office and have been trying to kill him. He
hopes they haven't cracked into his e-mail account yet. The friendly
chime of his e-mail client is echoed by the door chime as a new customer
enters the cyber-cafe. Jacob watches with a sinking feeling as the man
surveys the room. Their eyes meet, and the stranger's eyes momentarily
widen. In an explosion of movement, both men reach for their weapons.
Where do you go from here? To the battle map, of course! If you need a map of a modern structure, you need Modern Floorplans. The Mo... |
 | Modern Floorplans: Nightclub
Regular price: $2.50
Bundle price: $0.00 |
into the nightclub reminds Jacob of walking into a bee hive. Clubgoers
buzz to and from the bar while others dance to the hypnotic drone of
eletronica. Jacob feels his chest vibrate in sympathy with every beat of
the pulsing music, and it takes him some moments to adjust to the
flickering lights. His prey would most likely be in either be in the VIP
room or the office. After the last 36 hours, Jacob was in no mood for
niceties. Two minutes alone with the guy and he'd either have the
information he needed or the satisfaction of beating the stuffing out of
him. Jacob felt a hand clamp like a vice on his arm and was surprised
to see a hulking bouncer standing next to him. It appears he was
Where do you go from here? To the battle map, of course! If you nee... |
 | Modern Floorplans: Passenger Jets
Regular price: $2.95
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Jacob sat back in his seat and closed his eyes as he tried to tune
out the world. The last few days had been non-stop and it was nice to
know that he would have a couple quiet weeks to himself. He sunk deeper
into the heated first-class seat and raised the crystal glass filled
with champagne to his lips.
As he was about to take a sip, the curtain separating first class and
coach was thrown open and a voice shattered his tranqility.
"This is my plane now. Do as I say and no one will be hurt!"
Where do you go from here? To the battle map, of course! If you need a
map of a modern structure, you need Modern Floorplans. The Modern
Floorplans series from Fabled Environments offers gamers high quality
maps in a variety of configurations:
... |
 | Modern Item Cards
Regular price: $1.99
Bundle price: $0.00 |
Fat Goblin Games presents Modern Item Cards
Fat Goblin Games presents, Modern Item Cards for your favorite roleplaying game!
Modern Item Cards are the perfect
addition to your favorite Modern, Lovecraftian, or Zombie Survival
roleplaying game. These 26 full-color cards cover a variety of your
favorite weapons (such as the chainsaw and various firearms) to mundane
items (like flashlight and gas jug) to even food and everage items.
Each card is richly detailed and has a
place for notes on the cards face, and an optional decorative back for
double-sided printing.
... |
 | Necropolis 2350 - The Long Sleep
Regular price: