Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun Friday - Dungeon Madness II

Continuing the adventure: 

     The party's path is blocked by a massive (adjective)__________ door. The rogue (-ly adverb)__________ searches for traps.  Too late she spots an (adjective)_________ trap, when triggered it fires (plural noun)_________ in all directions.  The wizard is hit in the (body part)_________, (-ing verb)_________ over in (adjective)__________ pain. The trap also summoned a pair of (monsters)_________, drooling with (adjective)__________ hunger. Instantly the party reacted, drawing weapons and preparing spells. The Wizard, injured but not down, begins casting his most (adjective)__________ spell, using a combination of material components, a (noun)_________ and the (body part)_________ of a deadly (monster)________. The half-elf leader draws his  +2 (noun)______ of (verb ending in ing)________  and (action verb)_________ into action, cutting off one of their (body parts)________.

(-ly adverb)__________ 
(plural noun)___________
(body part)_________
(-ing verb)_________
(body part)_________ 
(-ing verb)_________
(action verb)________. 
(body parts)________. 

Previous Entry:
The Adventure Begins:

     The party of (adjective)_________ adventurer's entered the dungeon. The leader was a/an (adjective)_______ half-elf (class)________, with (number)______ years of experience adventuring, named (name)________. As they entered the Lost Cavern of (plural noun)________ , he drew his +2 (noun)______ of (verb ending in ing)________. The rest of the party consisted of an ancient (adjective)_________ (class)________, who knew everything about (plural noun)_______. The rogue was a (race)________, with a pair of (plural noun)_______, which he had slain numerous (monsters)________ by hitting them in their vital locations such as the (part of body)_______, or the (part of body)_________, and his favorite location, the (plural parts of body)________. The final member the expedition, was the (adjective)________ wizard who was fond of summoning (plural noun)_________, to slay her foes.

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