Hank Woon just sent this over, from the Game Smiths LLC Forums.

WAR PAINT! Original Wayne Reynolds N.R.G. Cover painting sweepstakes!
Are you planning to participate in our Kickstarter and want a chance to win the original WAR painting of our N.R.G. Core Rulebook cover? If so, here's all you have to do:
First, Comment on this post: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=377198982356188&set=a.377198979022855.87886.372058312870255&type=1&theater
In your comment, tell us that during the first week of our Kickstarter (Monday, November 12th through Sunday, November 18th), you will pledge $25 or more.
Second, Share this post on your Facebook Wall!
Third, message us with your name and e-mail address.
Fourth, when our Kickstarter goes live, follow through with your pledge by backing $25 or more before 12 a.m. Monday, November 19th, Pacific time.
When our KS finishes (if we are fully funded, of course) we will confirm everyone who participated and followed through during the above dates specified. For every $25 such persons pledged by the time the KS finishes, that person will receive 1 entry into the sweepstakes.
Furthermore, as each iconic is unlocked, such a person will gain the same amount of entries into additional sweepstakes--one sweepstakes for each unlocked iconic--to win the original WAR painting if that iconic!
That means if all 9 iconics are unlocked, qualified persons will have 10 chances to win an original WAR painting! The cover + the 9 iconics! And yes--you can win more than one!
All you have to do is follow the steps above and be sure to follow through with your Pledge before the end of the day, Pacific Time, Sunday, November 18th!
Thank you, and good luck!
Note: This is not my contest, I am not giving this wonderful art away.
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