Sunday, March 1, 2015

not quite 30 days...

OK so this is the craziest my life has ever been. In the last 4 weeks I worked over 220 hours. That many hours is rough on the brain, and I don't recommend it for creative endeavors.

I'm working on the stuff for Interface Zero 2.0 Malmart catalog, and in the last week (even working 56.75 hours), I was starting to get my creative mojo back to a minor extent as far as IZ goes.

My brain HAD already been working overtime during my sleep with ideas for Clearspring and creating a DCC RPG zine called the Clearspring Gazette.

The first issue will include my 0-level funnel "The Light from Below".

Here's some of the ideas I'm thinking of for the Gazette. Consider that I'm a fan of Sci-fi in my fantasy, and that Purple Planet may have some influence on this little berg. Maybe even some Welcome to Nightvale vibes...

Clearspring Gazette
The Gazette is produced by an artifact of similar construction to the Henge. The writers actually speak into it, dictating what they want to say.

Boedree’s Smithy presents Weapon Focus
Howdy neighbor, Boedree here, and this week we’ll be looking at the “insert weapon here”.

Article will contain a description of the weapon and any variants, a Mighty Deeds table dedicated to the weapon, and of course, a picture of the weapon.

Table will be included with Boedree’s prices for making these weapons.

(This article is 90% written and features the spear and TWO spear Deeds tables.

Mother Myfanwy’s Marvelous Market
Article describing the local herbs and their uses.

Clearspring Inn and Gambling House adverts
Thieves’ cant mixed in with ads for the Gambling House
"When the cat climbs the walls of the black need a break."

Ferrous Brothers Brewhouse

Wandrell’s Wonders
Article describing the out of place artifacts around Clearspring. The first being the namesake of the town, the Clearspring, a well which always flows at a steady rate, made of an indestructible metal, surrounded by a henge of the same metal which is always very warm, preventing freezing around the entire well.


Adventure hooks

What the Hell is a Gongfarmer?
Article about the various occupations in the DCC RPG book, and what they actually mean.

Doctor Dafydd’s Expeditions
A Bestiary

Who’s Who in Clearspring
Description and statblocks for a group of citizens of Clearspring (most are 0-level, and appropriate for funnels.)
Stand-up citizens
Old school style paper minis. (eventually covering all of the DCC Occupations, then all of the expanded Clearspring Occupations)

Tales from the Vale of Mist
Fiction (possibly a pulp type serial)

Living Map of Clearspring.
Clearspring will continue to evolve as I bring in new buildings, and things happen around the village, especially as it grows into a town...

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