If you read this blog, or have checked out our top 5 lists, you should already know that Interface Zero is my favorite setting. Cyberpunk has been one of my favorites since I first saw Shadowrun back in high school.
It was complex, and that was good when I was younger, but with age, comes less time to do other things, that's why when I found Savage Worlds I instantly loved it, it's simple, cheap and of course, it's "Fast, Fun and Furious". Enter Interface Zero...amazing, Gun Metal Games definitely is looking forward to the future, and extrapolating what the future will possibly be. Now, GMG is back updating the original SWIZ, with a second edition. Updated to the new Savage Worlds Deluxe rulesystem, and more...keep reading...
of you might be new to this part of the sprawl, and you're probably wondering,
"What is Interface Zero anyhow?"
Good question my friend.
Like it says in the short description at the top, IZ (that's short for Interface Zero) is a
sci-fi/cyberpunk game set on Earth in the year 2090. Interface Zero is powered by Pinnacle Entertainment's Savage Worlds Deluxe System.
this dark and grimy world of corrupt, power-mad government, greedy
megacorporations and fringe science-gone-wild, you play ronin: rogue
street operatives who make their living doing the things nobody else
can, or will, do. You have no master, no loyalties beyond your bank
balance, tomo.
Your only friends are those of convenience. Your tools of the trade are
computer code, high-powered weapons, combat drones, cybernetic
augmentations, mental powers and maybe even a little bit of luck.
In 2090, the line between human and non-human has blurred to
the point where the word "human" is little more than an abstract
Fully-sapient androids walk the streets alongside
vat-grown simulated bio-forms. These bio-forms are known as simulacra,
or "sims" for short. The science of hybridization allows anyone with
enough cash or credit to splice her DNA with anything from a beetle to a
rhino. The human genome has been hacked, kouyuu, rewritten to suit the latest fashion trends.
So, which face are you going to put on before you go out tonight?
The internet of 2090, more commonly known as "The Deep," is a
vast ethereal matrix of interconnected cloud networks that we access via
a cybernetic implant known as the Tendril Access Processor, or TAP for
short. The TAP is a wireless modem for your brain, providing constant
access to the hyper-real world around you. Of course, that constant
access has a downside, tomo.
People can use your TAP against you
and hack your brain. They'll steal your personal information and empty
your bank account before you even knew you were hacked. Heck, some
brainers can even swipe your memories and sell them on the black market,
so watch your back. Be sure and get the latest mods and firewalls
installed, or you might wake up one day and find you no longer remember
the world around you.
technology has increased to the point where we can augment our bodies
cybernetic implants, or even completely replace body parts. Most of
these, such as the Tendril Access Processor, help us in our daily lives.
Of course, there are other reasons to get "cybered," omae. If you want
to stay at the top of the food chain, if you want to get the best jobs
the mean streets have to offer, you need an edge. Cyberware gives you
that edge.
As I see it, the only real reason to do a second edition of a
game or setting is if you can make said game or setting better. And
that's precisely what we are doing with Interface Zero 2.0. We think we
can improve on the first edition, while at the same time bringing you
much more setting material so you can go even deeper into the world as
it exists in 2090.
Interface Zero 2.0 is going to be at least 200
pages long, but stretch goals may take the book as high as 300. It
really depends on how much more you want to see. IZ 2.0 will be a full
color, hard back book, and will be printed through the Drivethrurpg's
digital print program. Below is a small list of the new material you'll
find in the book.
Character Archetypes: You'll see an array of archetypes modeled after the Archetype packages found in the Streets of Bedlam RPG (Thanks Jason!).
Advanced Hacking Rules: Hacking 2.0 went a long way towards
streamlining the rules found in the first edition, but they didn't
address elements of Interface Zero involving virtual reality, hacking
weapons, or vehicles, etc. So we're adding some advanced rules which
will give your team's hacker more utility in the game.
You're going to see new gear, more vehicles including mecha and
power armor, new weapons, purchasable androids (robot minions, anyone?)
Streamlined cyberware rules.
Streamlined hybrid creation rules.
We're adding rules for mecha creation to the book.
We're bringing in rules for dubbing, so you can make a virtual
"backup" of your mind, just in case you catch a bullet between your
eyes. Hey. You never know.
More NPCs and threats for you to use in your Interface Zero 2.0 game!
More information about the world, including cities such as London, Christchurch, New York, Denver and Philadelphia!
There will be a full-length plot point campaign, and numerous Savage
Tales to keep you and your friends busy for a long time to come!
An awful lot of this sounds like ideas I've had to shoe horn into my CP2020 game because the system doesn't have them covered. I think that this could very much be worth a punt...
An awful lot of this sounds like ideas I've had to shoe horn into my CP2020 game because the system doesn't have them covered. I think that this could very much be worth a punt...